

Generates information about actors in a scene (e.g. MeshName, BoundingBoxes, ActorName). The Output format can be customize via formatting strings.



FString FormatVector2DString

FString Format3DBoxString

FString Format2DBoxString

FString FormatRotatorString

FString FormatVector3DString

bool bAccurateBoundingBoxes

Drastically Increase the accuracy of the bounding boxes, but requires an additional render pass. The additional render pass creates a segmentation map for the tracked actors and uses that map to refine the bounding boxes. Therefore Requires “Enabled with stencil” in Engine > Rendering > Postprocessing > Custom-Depth Stencil Pass to be set The additional render pass doubles the cost of creating the bounding boxes. The Larger the resolution of the LinkedGenerator the larger the performance hit.

bool bShouldApplyCloseMorph

Apply Close for Bounding Box Segmentation

FGTGeneratorReference LinkedImageGenerator

Link an image generator to this component. The linked Generator is used to determine when an actor is “on screen” and should be tracked. Setting this is also required for generating 2D bounding boxes.

FString Header

FString FormatActorString

FString Separator

FString Footer

TMap<FString, FString> ReplaceStrings


float MaxDistanceToCamera

FVector2D MinimalRequiredBoundingBoxSize

bool bOnlyTrackOnScreenActors

bool bOnlyTrackRecentlyRenderedActors

Track only actors that are “on screen”/“within an image”. This setting requires LinkedImageGenerator to be set.

TArray<FGTObjectFilter> TrackActorsThatMatchFilter