
UnrealGT is a tool that can generate data from a virtual scene inside the Unreal Engine. The goal is to provide to provide a Toolkit that is as flexible as possible, with many data generation scenarios supported out of the box and the ability to easily extend the built in components for more complex scenarios. To achive this goal this tool is directly integrated into the Engine’s editor in the form of a plugin and therfore requires some basic knowldege about the unreal engine.

If you are looking for a more high level solution you can check out the following projects:

CARLA and AirSim are great tools for the simulation autonomous vehicles. Both rely on the unreal engine to provide data from the virtual scene, which is then used to issue commands to the vehicle inside the scene.

UnrealCV provides a provides a python client that lets you extract a lot of scene data from an unreal scene via a vareiety of commands.